Awakening the Mind

one question at a time

Meet Eiman

Eiman Al Zaabi is a seeker of truth, thinker, and spiritual teacher. She is passionate about making sense of the world and sharing her insights and learning through her books, programs, and workshops.
Unlike most Western and or New Age self-help authors, her work is inspired by the spirituality of Islam with the fundamental integration of Oneness of the Divine in her approach to spirituality and life in general. Eiman has distilled the essence of the spirituality of Islam embodied in oneness of the Divine and teaches that as the core concept for happy and fulfilled living. She integrates the principles of harmony, beauty, and unity in her teachings and takes delight in helping readers discover a place unknown to the mind yet known to the heart.

Learn More About Eiman
Eiman Al Zaabi

Daily Comfort for Uncertain Times

We humans have always found life to be uncertain, even under the best of circumstances. Today, we are facing not only daily individual challenges but also a profound shared anxiety brought on by political polarization, economic inequality, climate change, and the toxic effects of social media. The turbulence can be exhausting. We may wonder, Howe can I go on?

Spiritual teacher Eiman Al Zaabi offers 365 inspirations to help readers find the Divine support necessary to live with grace in chaotic and uncertain times.

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Is true happiness your goal?
Meet Your Companion on the Journey

What would it be like to reach the end of your life feeling satisfied that you had lived fully and joyously? How would your life change if you moved through each day with a sense of meaning and purpose? What would it be like to feel whole, supported, and deeply connected to the world around you?


A Practical Guide to Enlighted Happiness and Well-being
Discover The Art of Surrender
Finding Grace, by Eiman Al Zaabi

Vine Communities

I am starting a movement called Vine Communities that enables local communities to learn the skills necessary for local reliance, preparedness, and mutual aid. We are an educational center located in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates with a mission focused on helping everyday families including children to prepare for an unpredictable future and to gain the skills necessary to live a sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle.

A Space for Spiritual Development

Live a soul lead life, feel aligned and connected to yourself, nature and to God. Practice spiritual inquiry and find your own spiritual path. Discover the art of surrender and align yourself to the truth and intention of your creation.

Find Eiman on Medium

Dec 18, 2021

Gaining Resilience and Hope

Following spring’s gentle showers and the scent of the first buds and blooms carried on gentle breezes, after the summer heat that sears our backs on the beach, after the...

Eiman Al Zaabi The One You Feed Podcast

Apr 09, 2021

Finding Grace with Eiman Al Zaabi

Eiman Al Zaabi is a Muslim spiritual teacher who integrates the principles of harmony, beauty and unity into her teachings.  Eiman is a facilitator and transformational coach who helps individuals transform their relationships and careers, heal from past trauma, and live authentically.  

Oct 25, 2021

Exiting the Rat Race?

While intellectuals in online forums contemplate an apocalypse or a technological singularity, and New Age gurus claim the coming age of transcendence...

Sep 1st, 2021

Deceiving Light

Bright lights, cheering, chanting, dressed in a thick robe, a guru on stage. Mesmerizing words intricately dewed together, throw rose petals at you...

Eiman Al Zaabi and Rev. Paul John Roach

Nov 25, 2020

Interview with Spiritual Teacher, Eiman Al Zaabi

A compelling and relevant interview with author, spiritual teacher and activist Eiman Al Zaabi.  Find out how a female Muslim uses her Islamic faith to provide practical guidance for enlightenment, happiness and well being. All and all an illuminating hour.

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